70th Anniversary of The Battle of Cable Street: Street Celebrations
Posted: October 2, 2006 Filed under: Events, Racism / Fascism Comments Off on 70th Anniversary of The Battle of Cable Street: Street Celebrations
On 4th October 1936, people in the east end of London stopped Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists marching through Cable Street, in Stepney, then a mainly Jewish area. The Spanish Civil War slogan was widely used: They Shall Not Pass – No Pasaran!
The Cable Street Group, and Alternative Arts are planning a commemorative day. The Festival will include a procession, street theatre, music, singers, an exhibition of photographs from 1936 and from more recent events, as well as stalls. This event takes place in Cable St, Whitechapel.
Dates: 08 October 2006 – 08 October 2006
Times: 12pm – 4pm
Admission: FREE – just turn up in Cable St on the day.
Below is film footage of the event from 1936
Windows media player file:
Quick time movie:
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