20 and still not out
Posted: November 15, 2006 Filed under: Community Safety, Hackney Council Comments Off on 20 and still not out
by James Ballhatchett
After the reckless demolition of the Laburnum Primary School on Laburnum Street in September/November of last year to create another Blairite City academy, the after effects are still being felt by residents of Laburnum Court after a mass invasion of mice fleeing the wreckage to lay their new home in our homes.
In one flat (flat 3) alone 20 mice have been caught since November and no. 20 arrived Wednesday 13th of September.
The case has been looked upon by the Hackney Council but all they can do is deliver an endless supply of mouse traps and say ‘what else can we do’.
After the reported drive by the council to supply us with decent ‘Hackney Homes’ we ask ‘where is the evidence?’
Here is the evidence of the mice:
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