What will the Olympics mean for the people of East London?
Posted: March 2, 2009 Filed under: Events, Olympics Comments Off on What will the Olympics mean for the people of East London?Campaign organising meeting, SOAS, 7 March
Following a succesful public event in Stratford at the beginning of January a campaign organizing meeting will happen on March 7. We hope community organizations and campaigns and local people will come together to create an alliance that can fight so that East London and its people won’t get swept to the side by the Olympics.
There have been a lot of promises. We’ve been told that the 2012 will create thousands of jobs, hundreds of houses and much needed investment to East London. However, some argue that the Olympics will create a handful of low paid, temporary jobs, worsen the housing crisis in the area and benefit only corporate sponsors and property developers.
Come to the meeting as an interested individual or send someone to represent your group or organisation’s opinions are on possibilities for joint action and what you would like to achieve. Possible focus points of the campaign so far are:
– demands for social housing,
– jobs and training be provided for local unemployed people and youth and support for workplace rights on the Olympic site,
– free sports facilities for the local community
– organising to protect our communities from the aggressive policing and security culture that will intensify in the lead up to 2012.
Contact: londoncoalitiongainstpoverty@gmail.com
Saturday March 7 2009 2pm – 4 pm
@ School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS
Russell Square WC1
in Room G50.
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