letter to Time Out (August 2004)
Posted: August 15, 2004 Filed under: Community Facilities Comments Off on letter to Time Out (August 2004)Dear Last Word,
Just wanted to point a few things out in response to David Austin’s comments (founder member of Tannery Arts, Laburnum Street, Hackney) in your News section.
The ‘derelict basketball court’ David suggests could be used to provide space for the new Bridge Academy (thus sparing Brunswick Wharf) is in fact used by local kids as a hang-out area. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the efforts the artists at Brunswick Wharf have made to assimilate into the local area (in comparison with the usual aloof, gentrifying Hoxton scum), and only hope that Hackney Council look seriously at Russell Gray’s offer to finance the reopening of neighbouring Haggerston Pool.
In the meantime, we should defend all the facilities we have left here – even ex-basketball courts.
Carl Taylor
Hackney Independent Working Class Association
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